What We Offer

This refers to all things related to the heart. This specialty is interested in following risk factors and diseases affecting the heart. This includes, but is not limited to coronary artery disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, tobacco use, diabetes, and obesity.

This refers to a specialty dedicated to addressing cardiovascular health. This specialty also considers all of the general cardiovascular risk factors and screens for individuals that need a more in depth cardiovascular evaluation.

This specialty will evaluate and treat the electrical system of the heart. This often includes monitors to diagnose electrical problems creating quality of life issues for individuals. These monitors can be worn for a day or weeks. Ultimately an implantable monitor can be used to diagnose or monitor for recurrence of previous electrical problems.

This specialty is usually referring to arterial circulation everywhere except the heart. This means maintaining adequate blood supply to the periphery. This can be evaluated with ultrasounds, pressure comparisons, and Computed Tomography angiograms. These may be needed to determine if an individual needs angiography of the vessel or vessels.

Anti-coagulation medication, often referred to as Coumadin or blood thinners, don’t actually thin your blood. Instead, they increase clotting times to prevent dangerous events related to inappropriate blood clots. It is very important for patients that are taking these medications to be monitored regularly to ensure clotting times are appropriate for the individual. In our Coumadin Clinic, the patient will meet with our skilled technicians, while they perform a finger stick blood test to get the instant, accurate results.

As explained in the Electrophysiology section, one area we specialize in is the electrical system of the heart. The electrical signals of the heart keep the heart beating and the blood flowing in a specific rhythm. A device, such as a pacemaker or implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD), can be implanted to assist your heart to beat in the correct interval.

At C.A.I., we offer the most up to date testing within our facilities to assist our physicians in an accurate diagnosis. We conveniently offer two testing centers in the East Valley, at both of our Mesa locations. You may click on the following links to learn more about each test and how to prepare.